Shipping & Returns

ROW Delivery

Dubarry of Ireland currently delivers to the following countries. If your country is not on the list below please contact

Country Shipping Costs Free Delivery from
EU Countries €30 €350
Canada €40 €500
Hong Kong €40 €500
Iceland €30 €350
Liechenstein €30 €350
Norway €25 €300
Singapore €40 €500
South Africa €40 €500
Switzerland €25 €300
Taiwan €40 €500


For all enquiries about the fulfilment of orders and shipping, please email, quoting your order number.

Fulfilment of Orders

Where multiple items are purchased in an order customers may receive separate packages. Where multiple orders are placed we are unable to combine orders retrospectively due to short fulfilment times.

Dubarry of Ireland endeavours to process the order and we ship to your address within 1-3 working days and 6-8 days when the item is in stock in Ireland).

Further Information

For further shipping and returns information, please see our dedicated Delivery page.