A showpiece of beautiful Irish workmanship, the yarn for this rugged sweater was spun in Donegal and shows distinctive flecks throughout the wool. The v-neck, with a wide rib trim and rolled neckline has classic horn button fastenings giving it a quality, traditional feel. A real eye-catching garment it's perfect weekend away packing, or layer up under a waxed jacket for a winning combination in the wildest of weather.

  • Authentic Donegal yarn
  • produced and spun in Ireland
  • Certified under the Responsible Wool Standard
  • Colourful flecks throughout the yarn
  • Chunky 3gg knit with 2x2 rub trim
  • Rolled edge on neckline
  • hem and cuffs
  • V-neck with two functional horn buttons
  • Handwash recommended

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Taylor Irish Sweater - Stone

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Taylor Irish Sweater - Stone

Taylor Irish Sweater - Stone

Product id: 434816
2 colours available:
Taylor Irish Sweater - Stone